The Leaders of the Future Have Spoken

I am excited because the work we are doing as the NAACP SLO County branch seems to be in line with the values being embraced by a growing number in our society. I am referring to the most recent student-led…
I am excited because the work we are doing as the NAACP SLO County branch seems to be in line with the values being embraced by a growing number in our society. I am referring to the most recent student-led…
The learning curve and activities for organizations often vary, but the NAACP with its history and broad scope, continues to fight racism and protect civil rights for all. Taking a stand for justice is not popular in the USA. Most…
Success is awarded to those who dream of endless possibilities; who through determination and perseverance continue climbing mountains and following rainbows. The struggles that we endure; the battles in which we engage; the conflicts that we encounter help us to gain…
What are the key characteristics of effective leaders? First, they have a vision. Second, they are able to persuade others to join in that vision. Where are we going? How are we going to get there? Well, my brothers and sisters,…
This Is How We Do It! A human connected to all of everything and having self-control has always done great things. This is because the love of truth and the truth of love is invincible. Justice and equity is what…
“We have nothing to give another; but we have a duty to OPEN him/her to his/her own life, to allow him/her to be themselves – infinitely richer than he/she could ever be if we tried to enrich and to shape…
“Steadfast and Immovable” was the theme that set the stage and the context for the 108th NAACP Annual Convention in Baltimore, Maryland from July 22- 26, 2017. Cheryl Vines and I were honored to represent our NAACP SLO County branch.…
Movement is the act of moving change of place, position, or posture; an act or manner of moving, a series of acts and events leading toward a definite end; activities of a person or group of persons. A strong foundation…
As we move into the future we must not let the forces of perdition (that which divides and destroys) take our eyes off the ball (the goal) of the NAACP. Freedom is not free, because bondage is and will always be…