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March for Our Lives, San Luis Obispo
March 24, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

If you are a student interested in this action, please email the organizers of this event at womensmarchslo@gmail.com.
#MarchforOurLives in San Luis Obispo is a rally and march in solidarity with the march on Washington DC on 3/24/18. We support the victims and survivors of the Parkland massacre, as well as all victims of school and mass shootings. The purpose of this event is to create a positive and just future by ending gun violence in our schools, and mass shootings in our nation. We march to send a clear message to Congress that they must act now. There is no other way forward. What has happened over the past 19 years since Columbine cannot continue.
Student-led rally starts at 2PM in Mitchell Park, San Luis Obispo, followed by a march. Check our FB event page for the latest updates. Click here to visit the WomensarchSLO.com website for more information.
*****Frequently Asked Questions*****
To force Congress to act. Congress has the power to end mass shootings in America. We call on all participants to join on 3/24/18, and to commit to working on real solutions to mass shootings.
This Rally and March follows the Kingian Principles of Non-violence. We attack ideas and change policy. We work towards a better future. We do not attack specific people. All who want to end gun violence in schools are welcome.
Please brings signs that promote an end to school and mass shootings in America.
March 24 @2PM, Mitchell Park, San Luis Obispo
Route length will be shared ASAP. Route will be shared closer to the date.
We must fund permitting, insurance, sound, safety and more. Please help us to cover the costs by donating here.
We need a large number of volunteers – please sign up here.
Alexa Ford
Lauren Hatcher
Kloe Seher
Elena Cota
We encourage you to carpool, ride your bike or use Uber or Lyft.
– Bike Valet – free at Mitchell Park, on Pismo Street.
– San Luis Obispo Downtown Parking – click here.
– San Luis Obispo Regional Transit (Bus) – click here.
– Amtrak – click here.
Courtesy of March for our Lives:
Not one more. We cannot allow one more child to be shot at school. We cannot allow one more teacher to make a choice to jump in front of a firing assault rifle to save the lives of students. We cannot allow one more family to wait for a call or text that never comes. Our schools are unsafe. Our children and teachers are dying. We must make it our top priority to save these lives.
March For Our Lives is created by, inspired by, and led by students across the country who will no longer risk their lives waiting for someone else to take action to stop the epidemic of mass school shootings that has become all too familiar. In the tragic wake of the seventeen lives brutally cut short in Florida, politicians are telling us that now is not the time to talk about guns. March For Our Lives believes the time is now.
On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington, DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority. The collective voices of the March For Our Lives movement will be heard.
School safety is not a political issue. There cannot be two sides to doing everything in our power to ensure the lives and futures of children who are at risk of dying when they should be learning, playing, and growing. The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues. No special interest group, no political agenda is more critical than timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country.
Every kid in this country now goes to school wondering if this day might be their last. We live in fear.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Change is coming. And it starts now, inspired by and led by the kids who are our hope for the future. Their young voices will be heard.
Stand with us on March 24. Refuse to allow one more needless death.